Current Temps

Assignment Information

Whitman Associates will provide you with the details of your assignment. Hours vary from assignment to assignment. Whitman Associates will provide the temporary employee a work schedule, address, point of contact, hours, rate, length of assignment and any other details needed. Should a temp have any questions regarding his/her assignment, the temp should contact a Whitman representative.

Rate Confidentiality

Once an assignment has been confirmed, you will be told your rate of pay. This information should be kept confidential since rates vary from assignment to assignment. Please make sure you know your rate before you accept the position.

Paychecks – ADP

Temps are paid weekly by means of direct deposit. In order to view pay stubs and manage your personal file, you must register for an ADP account. Once you have been entered into the payroll system, ADP will send you a registration email directly. If you don’t have the registration email or have forgotten your login, you can use the “Find Me” feature.

If you are unable to use the direct deposit service, please speak to a Whitman representative. If incorrect information is supplied by the temp and causes a banking error resulting in a banking service fee, the temp will be charged that service fee.

Direct deposits are made each Friday. If the payday falls on a holiday, normally paychecks will be distributed on the closest business day before the holiday.

The paycheck will reflect the number of hours worked and the hourly rate. Paychecks include wages earned less any mandatory or elected deductions. Mandatory deductions include federal or state withholding tax and other withholdings. Elected deductions are deductions authorized by the temp and may include, for example, contributions to benefit plans. Temps may make changes to their State and Federal tax forms, banking information and address/phone/email information through ADP. State and Federal Tax forms are found under the Temp Resources page if needed.

Notify a Whitman representative if a direct deposit appears to be inaccurate. Any change in name, address, telephone number, marital status or number of exemptions claimed by an employee must be entered by the individual temp through ADP. Whitman Associates will not be responsible for making these changes. Please be sure to set up your ADP account once you receive the registration email from ADP.

Paystubs can be found on ADP once an account is set up. ADP will provide instructions on how to sign up for this free service once you begin working.

To view your paystubs and W2’s prior to January 1, 2018, please log in to your Paychex Flex account. 


Keep in mind that a temp assignment today could be a permanent job tomorrow. Many of our temps are hired by companies they are working for. Therefore, you should always conduct yourself in a professional manner. This includes wearing proper business attire, taking initiative and interest in your work, offering to help out during downtime and being on time.

Client Property

When on an assignment, client property, i.e., equipment, vehicles, telephones, computers and software, is not for private use. These devices are to be used strictly for client business and are not permitted off grounds unless authorized. Property must be used in the manner for which it was intended. Upon termination, temps are required to surrender any client property they possess within 24 business hours of the temp’s last date of employment.

Client computers, internet and emails are privileged resources and must be used only to complete essential job-related functions. Temps are not permitted to download any “pirated” software, files or programs and must receive permission from a supervisor before installing any new software on a client computer. Files or programs stored on client computers may not be copied for personal use.

Phones are provided for business use only. Whitman Associates requests that temps not receive personal calls while on duty. If urgent, please keep personal calls to a minimum and conversations brief. Personal long-distance calls are not permitted.

Temps are reminded that they should have no expectation of privacy in their use of client computers or other electronic equipment.

Remote Work

Temporary staff are required to alert Whitman Associates to any change in remote work location, with the exclusion of Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, a minimum of two days in advance of the move date.

Social Networking and Media Policy

Whitman temps are not permitted to use the client’s computers and internet capacity to watch videos, listen to music streamed over the Internet, etc. It poses a security risk to the client’s network. YouTube, Pandora, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter and other personal social media sites are not permitted. Personal cell phone usage, such as texting or making personal calls, should be used only in an emergency situation and only over breaks or lunch hours.


A good rule of thumb is to arrive 10-15 minutes early on your first day. This will give you enough time to find the building and get acclimated to your new surroundings. Once you are settled in the assignment, please call to let us know you are there and all is going well. If you are running late, please telephone us immediately. First impressions are lasting!


When working conditions permit, and pending a supervisor’s approval, temps are entitled to at least a 20-minute break for every 4 hours worked. Lunch hours are not paid by Whitman Associates unless authorized by the client. Lunch hours will be determined by the onsite supervisor. If you are unsure of how much time is allowed for lunch or what time to take lunch, please contact a Whitman representative.

Filling Out Time Sheets

When filling out your time sheet, indicate your start time, less the time you took for lunch, and your end time. Round time off to the nearest quarter of an hour. Overtime is defined as work over 40 hours per week and must be approved by your supervisor. Working extra hours on a certain day (for example, staying late one day or coming to work early) does not constitute overtime unless these hours combined with your regular weekly work assignment total over 40 hours. Time sheets are available for download on the Temp Resources page.

Attendance Policy

Temps are expected to arrive on time and ready for work. A temp who arrives after their scheduled arrival time is considered tardy. We recognize that situations arise which hinder punctuality; regardless, excessive tardiness is prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action.

In the event that you are not able to make it to work because of sickness, family emergencies, inclement weather or other unforeseen problems, you should contact Whitman Associates immediately either by phone or email. If you are calling before or after normal business hours, please leave a message on the answering machine at extension 1 and one of our representatives will handle the problem. Please do not call the onsite supervisor directly. All calls should be made directly to Whitman Associates and we will contact your onsite supervisor. This will avoid all confusion. Chronic absenteeism may result in disciplinary action.

If you need to reach Whitman Associates outside of our normal business hours, 9:00AM to 5:00PM, please call (202) 659-2111 anytime, select Ext. 1 and leave a message in the Urgent Extension’s voicemail or email

Inclement Weather Policy

If you are unable to make it to your assignment or to an interview due to weather conditions, please call (202) 659-2111 anytime, select Ext. 1 and leave a message in the Urgent Extension’s voicemail or email

While on a temporary assignment, follow that client’s policy on delay or closings. If you are unsure of the policy, call and email a Whitman representative and we will get that information to you as soon as possible.

Giving Notice

Due to the amount of training required for certain temporary assignments, our clients request that our temps provide at least one week’s notice prior to leaving their assignment. This will allow Whitman to find a suitable replacement and have time to train prior to the temp’s departure from an assignment. Some assignments require more training than others, so if you cannot provide one full week’s notice, we ask that you provide at least three days’ notice. If that is not possible, please discuss your situation with one of our representatives.