You’ve got the interview of your dreams, but they only conduct online interviews. In today’s job market, it makes perfect sense. You could be interviewing for a remote position on the other side of the country, or your interview panel may be in various locations. Whatever the reason, video interviews are a standard part of the interview process, so you need to be prepared with video interview tips for remote interview questions and answers. A video interview is much different from an in-person interview. Here are six remote interview tips to make sure you show your best self online:
1. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
You can never (and we do mean never) be over-prepared for an interview. You need to make sure your equipment is ready. Check your internet connection, lighting, video and sound. Make sure you have a full battery on your phone or laptop. Be punctual when logging into a Zoom meeting. Video interview tips include practicing talking via Zoom or another online meeting platform to make yourself more comfortable with the technology. You want to make an outstanding first impression, and being late due to technological issues may negatively affect your interviewer’s perception of you.
Often overlooked in remote interview tips is having your documents ready to share. Just as you prepare for remote interview questions and answers, you should be ready to email your interviewers a copy of your resume, cover letter, references, and sample of your work. Don’t assume they will all have these things sitting before them. Preparation is one of the best ways to express your passion for the role you’re interviewing for.
Additionally, think ahead of time about all possible scenarios for the interview, such as a request to share your screen. A smart remote interview tip is to keep other applications and browser windows closed so that if you have to share your screen, you’re not sharing anything personal that you don’t want your potential employer to see. Regarding remote interviews, preparation is the most essential ingredient to success.
2. Be purposeful about what you show your interviewer.
You want to make a good impression. One way is by asking your remote interview questions and answers. Another video interview tip is that your video background and environment should reflect your professional qualities. Make sure it’s neutral and without distraction. Want one of our best job remote interview tips? Don’t use a picture of a tropical island or your dog Fluffy (no matter how cute he is!). Moreover, whatever you do, don’t use a video background. Select a neutral, clean and clutter-free space.
Don’t have that at home? Consider a study room at your local library. Just ensure the lighting is good and the area is free from distractions (this includes windows with lousy lighting or distracting actions like cars driving by). Ensure your mobile’s notifications are silenced! Nothing is more annoying than the constant beeps signaling your latest TikTok post is blowing up. Use these remote interview tips if you want to impress your interviewer.
3. Wear professional attire.
Sure, things are more casual now than they have been in the past, but the fact is that your prospective employer has to see you as professional and trustworthy. Not only can you express this via your remote interview questions and answers, but these attributes are also directly reflected in your attire. One of the most essential video interview tips is always dress as you would for an in-person interview. While that doesn’t always mean wearing a full suit, it should mean that you’re dressed professionally and appropriately based on the job you are seeking.
Our job remote interview tips wouldn’t be complete without saying that you shouldn’t assume you will only be seen from the chest up. It can be tempting to dress more casually from the waist down, but always think your outfit will be visible to your potential employer.
4. Engage the interviewer.
Video interviews can be challenging, but this is essential in our remote interview tips. It’s hard to come across as excited and interested during remote interview questions and answers when sitting on your living room sofa. Still, you must engage your interviewer and show real excitement for the position you’re interviewing for. To do this, don’t sit back with your arms crossed. Instead, sit forward on your chair with good posture. One of our best video interview tips is smiling and demonstrating positive body language and behavior. Don’t cross your arms, and don’t be afraid to use your hand to gesture as you speak (just don’t overdo it!).
5. Make eye contact.
This one is tough but essential in our remote interview tips: Look directly into the camera. When you’re not looking at the camera, you’re not making eye contact. That’s a big no-no in the interview world. Always remember to look directly into the camera when answering a question. This can take some practice, especially if you’re on a computer. You can also try using a cell phone instead of an entire computer. The phone’s small screen size will make it easier to come across as having good eye contact, but be sure that it is in a stable position. Regarding remote interview tips, it’s helpful to consider how in-person interview strategies could carry over while engaging in remote interview questions and answers.
6. Don’t forget that you’re an asset.
Finally, our video interview tips would not be complete with reminding you that you are an asset and that your potential employer would be lucky to have you. While you don’t want to come across as arrogant, you do want to remember that the interview process goes both ways. You should be interviewing your potential employer as much as they are interviewing you. Don’t sell yourself short — this is an underrated but essential remote interview tip. Come up with a list of your assets that make you the perfect fit for the job, and work them into the conversation as naturally as possible. And don’t forget to prepare questions to ask your interviewer as well. Potential employers appreciate someone taking the time to consider the position fully.
By following these six tips, you can make your video interview a spectacular way to show off the positive qualities you will bring to the job!
Check out our blog for more tips and tricks, from writing the perfect resume to nailing your interview. We hope these remote interview tips help you successfully secure a position!