Not all job seekers are unemployed. In fact, a large number of people are job searching while employed. These professionals are looking to make a change from their current positions. Job seekers who are looking for a job while employed must effectively balance their current role while searching for their new role. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Don’t search for jobs while on the clock
This may seem like a no-brainer, but be sure you keep your current job separate from your job hunt. Your current employer is paying you to work for them, not to job hunt. While employed, do all of your applying and looking for a job on your own time.
This doesn’t just apply to browsing job boards, but also be sure not to use your work phone, email or computer when corresponding with potential employers. Only use your personal contact information when applying for jobs or updating your resume. Within most companies, you are not the only person with access to your work email and call records.
If your employer discovers you’ve been searching for a job while employed and on the clock, it’s likely to be labeled as time theft which can result in a write up or even termination. Looking for a job while employed must be done on your own time.
2. Be considerate of your current employer when scheduling interviews
If you get the opportunity to interview with a new company, whether in person or on the phone, try to schedule it so that you don’t need to take a whole day off from work. It’s best practice to limit how much your job hunt interferes with your current role. That way, you can seek the job you want without tarnishing your reputation at your present place of employment.
While still employed, it is ideal to schedule interviews over your lunch break so that you don’t have to take any time off while job searching. If that is not a possibility, you should try to schedule interviews from your job search first thing in the morning or at the end of the day, so that you can either come in a little late or leave a little early, so as not to miss much work while you are looking for a job.
3. Give plenty of notice before quitting
If you do end up accepting a job offer, make sure to give your current employer plenty of notice. Two weeks notice is the generally acceptable amount of time, but every situation is different. Oftentimes you will help to train the person moving into your job. The more time you have to do this, the more seamless the transition will be. Your current employer will value your dedication, and your new employer will see that you are a loyal employee.
4. Utilize a staffing agency like Whitman Associates!
Lastly, using a staffing agency like Whitman Associates can take some pressure off your job searching. Job searching while employed full time can feel like another full time job. Work smarter, and have a staffing agency like us help you with your search. With a large client pool, staffing agencies see new jobs all the time. If you’re looking for a job while employed, get started with Whitman Associates by checking out our current job listings and emailing your resume to