Are you looking for ways to advance your career? You may be seeking to get a job promotion or to go from temp to permanent. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, there are key things to keep in mind. Here are some tips that will help you get there.
Develop a win-win mindset
The first step in knowing how to advance your career is developing a win-win mindset. You can’t expect to move up if you’re only thinking about what’s best for yourself. Instead, think about the company’s goals and how they align with yours.
By taking some time to understand what your superior needs and to find solutions to problems, you make everyone’s life easier. If you lead by example, being genuinely helpful to your co-workers and superiors, others will likely follow and it will encourage a sense of community. In a world that celebrates a go-getter, differentiate yourself by being a go-giver.
Keep learning
There are three things you need to do to advance your career: learn from your mistakes, learn from others’ mistakes and keep learning new things. You can do this by taking classes or workshops, reading books on leadership or management, taking advice from your co-workers and industry professionals, listening to podcasts about industry trends, joining meetups related to your interests and even making friends outside of work who share similar passions as yourself. All these things will help shape how well prepared you will be for future opportunities that come down the road.
Keep in mind that there’s truly no such thing as a stagnant career. When you deeply understand how to get a job promotion or how to go from temp to permanent, you know that your job is set to change in different ways as time passes—and you should be too. That’s why keeping up with the latest trends and technologies is so important to advancing your career.
Build strong working relationships
The workplace is a social arena, and knowing how to build strong relationships with your colleagues will advance your career and lead to more opportunities for growth. Chat with your team during breaks, or set up a lunch meeting to discuss a professional goal you’re working on and how the team can get involved. Asking about their lives and opinions will help you understand how they think, which will expose you to new ways of thinking. Your co-workers might have insight or tips you’ve never heard of before – even if it’s about the best barbeque place in town or how to get on the boss’s good side. Learning new things and building relationships is key to climbing the career ladder.
In addition to being friendly and communicative with those around you, it’s also important that you learn how to work well as part of a team. Being able to collaborate effectively—and having others recognize this ability—will make your career prospects much brighter in the long run.
Take ownership of your work
Effective steps to advance your career include taking ownership of what you do and knowing how to do it well. This means that you don’t pass the blame on to others or say “I’m sorry” all the time. When work isn’t getting done properly, it’s up to you to make sure your work gets done correctly and on time.
Accountability speaks volumes about leadership. In taking responsibility, even if others weren’t clear about expectations from the start, you set the tone that you will be showing up no matter what.
Take initiative
In learning how to advance your career practically, there will be times when you are asked to take initiative and be proactive. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or get involved with new projects if needed.
If someone asks for help, take it as a chance to learn and offer support. The more confident and skilled you get in your field, the better off you and your company will be in the long run. More importantly, moving from a temp role to a permanent position or securing your chances of getting a job promotion will be a breeze.
Make yourself indispensable
Knowing how to advance your career means you understand that it’s a lot easier to get ahead if you’re the go-to person for everyone else. You know that when there are problems, your co-workers come to you for help. When others need guidance, they run to you first. If you have a reputation for being reliable and results-driven, it means that people will want to work with you and possibly for you. Make yourself indispensable by knowing what needs to be done in a crisis.
Be trustworthy
If you want to know how to get a job promotion or how to go from temp to permanent, developing a reputation for being honest and trustworthy is a crucial step. This means being a good communicator—you never know who you’re going to be working with, so it’s helpful if people know they can count on you and that what you say will be true.
In considering how to advance your career, you also need to make sure that the information you share with others is confidential. Keep secrets close at hand and don’t gossip about co-workers or clients.
Finally, avoid the temptation of becoming a know-it-all. This could alienate those around you professionally and socially, which could lead to negative consequences in both areas moving forward.
Network your way up
The people around you have the potential to help you understand how to advance your career in a variety of ways. They can provide mentorship and support, advise on how to improve your work and find jobs for which you’re well-suited.
To make the most of this opportunity, build connections and network. Find people who are good at what they do. Asking someone for their insight can be intimidating if they seem far above your level in terms of experience or expertise—but it doesn’t have to be. Usually, they are more than happy to share what they have learned along the way.
If someone has been working in their field for a while, chances are they’ve learned from other people as well. Building a strong connection with one person opens you up to their network of connections as well. If nothing else, asking for help shows that you’re committed enough to your own success – which will not go unnoticed.
A final word
By following our tips on how to advance your career, you can distinguish yourself from the pack. The key to advancing your career is being willing to do the work. You need to be willing to invest in yourself, whether that means investing in books or online courses or taking advantage of any opportunities for training that come up at work.
You also need to be willing to learn new skills by stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things—even if it feels a little uncomfortable or overwhelming at first. Taking advantage of career coaching or trying out new jobs and hobbies is a great way to push yourself to try new things you wouldn’t have thought about previously.
Lastly, remember that the paths to success are many and they’re not often linear. Let your uniqueness shine through as you advance.
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If you need help with your job search or finding employees to fill open positions, Whitman Associates is your solution. We help employees find jobs they’ll love, potentially lifting them from temp work to a permanent position in a company. We also help employers by providing top-tier talent from the D.C. metropolitan area. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you succeed.