
If you have been in the job market for a while, you are probably sending out several resumes every day. While you might not need to follow-up on every position you’ve applied for, we do suggest that you follow-up on positions you are particularly interested in. Before you sit down for another round of follow-up phone calls, read our advice below. A follow-up phone call is the first verbal interaction you have with a potential employer, so it’s important that you make a great impression.

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Creating the Perfect Cover Letter

Cover letters serve as an introduction to your resume. While a great cover letter can help you make a good first impression on an employer, a bad cover letter could result in an employer discarding your resume without reading further. Follow the tips below while writing your cover letters and you will be sure to impress every hiring manager you send them to.

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Selling Yourself

It is a well-known fact that people are usually quick to judge. Unfortunately, this does not exclude hiring managers and potential employers. It is important to make a great first impression, whether on the phone or in person. This includes what you say, what you wear, and how you present yourself overall. Here are a few suggestions for you to consider:

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Working with Whitman

The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade held their Summer Fancy Food Show in DC this past weekend, and Whitman temps were there to help! With over 2,400 exhibitors presenting, the extra hands were greatly appreciated and the temps had a great time! They loved working at such a fun event and experiencing so many different foods from all over the world. If you’re interested in working with Whitman Associates for the opportunity to participate in exciting events like this, please email your resume to or visit us on FACEBOOK!

Professional Email Etiquette

Great communication skills are critical for any career, so it’s important that you express yourself in the clearest, most professional way possible. When it comes to job hunting, every instance of communication with a potential employer is extremely important. Even something as simple as a poorly written email could result in you losing out on an opportunity. Here are a few simple tips to help you write stronger, more articulate emails:

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A Balancing Act: Working the Phones

Hiring managers handle hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of job search requests per day. It is imperative for the smart job hunter to find a way to stand out from the crowd.  The first impression that a potential employer forms of a job seeker is usually based on viewing a resume. If the employer likes your resume, you will hopefully get a phone call.

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