Top 8 Reasons Seasonal Staffing Works

Many occasions require human resource teams to look outside the confines of traditional staffing to fulfill optimal productivity. Thanks to plenty of ingenuity in the employment staffing arena, there are unique and adaptable solutions for just about any need, such as seasonal staffing.

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Finding a Job is Work

It’s true that looking for a job can be a full-time job in itself, and most will agree that it is the worst job ever. Job seekers can easily adopt a defeatist attitude towards their job search after receiving little to no feedback from hiring managers, but it’s important to keep your attitude positive. For unemployed job seekers, thinking about your job search as a full-time job can help you to keep on track and eventually lead to your success. Think about it this way: if you are working in an office environment and you stop taking your job seriously (putting little effort into your work, showing up late, etc), you will probably be fired. Similarly, if you don’t take your job search seriously or put real effort into it, you will probably end up being unemployed for a lot longer than you’d like.

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An Easy Way to Plan Your Next Career Move

If you have been in the same job for a long time, you might think about what your next career move will be. Will you start applying for jobs at a higher level, will you change your career path entirely with a new position, or will you continue on in a similar role? An easy way to help yourself make this decision is to craft what we’ll call “a resume in advance.” Crafting a resume in advance means creating a future (imaginary) position for yourself and listing it on your resume. While this isn’t a resume you’d send to any potential employers, it can help you decide what you are looking for in your next role.

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How to Decode Job Posting Jargon

Job postings are typically vague and it can be hard to figure out exactly what a company is looking for. To help make your job search a little easier, we’ve provided a list of common terms used in job postings and decoded their meaning with some help from Check out the full article in the link below.

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How to Build a Relationship with a Staffing Agency

Staffing agencies and recruiters can be a great resource for job seekers. By building a strong relationship with an agency, you are essentially enlisting an entire company to help you find a job. Learn how you can build a beneficial relationship with a recruiter or staffing agency by reading our tips below:

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How to Succeed as a Temp

As we have previously mentioned, temporary work is a great way to get your foot in the door with an organization and potentially find a permanent job with them. For that reason, you should treat each and every temporary assignment as part of a long interview process. Everything you do and say (and even the things you don’t do or say) will make a positive or negative impression on your temporary supervisor. Going into a temp assignment with a great attitude and the desire to succeed will result in you making a great impression on the company you are temping for, and could possibly lead to a full-time job offer. Follow our tips below and you will be sure to succeed as a temporary employee:

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Working with Whitman

The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade held their Summer Fancy Food Show in DC this past weekend, and Whitman temps were there to help! With over 2,400 exhibitors presenting, the extra hands were greatly appreciated and the temps had a great time! They loved working at such a fun event and experiencing so many different foods from all over the world. If you’re interested in working with Whitman Associates for the opportunity to participate in exciting events like this, please email your resume to or visit us on FACEBOOK!

Employment and temporary staffing agencies can be an excellent resource in your job search.

Temp (short for “temporary”) agencies recruit and assign employees to short-term job assignments. They are sometimes known as staffing services or contract firms. When the employer no longer needs the staff member, a worker’s short-term assignment is complete. The temp agency then looks for another job assignment for the worker.

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