Employment and temporary staffing agencies can be an excellent resource in your job search.

Temp (short for “temporary”) agencies recruit and assign employees to short-term job assignments. They are sometimes known as staffing services or contract firms. When the employer no longer needs the staff member, a worker’s short-term assignment is complete. The temp agency then looks for another job assignment for the worker.

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How to Use Facebook to Land a Job

Many people believe that Facebook is only for connecting with people you went to high school with or checking out a potential date’s profile. But consider this: 18,400,000 people claim they found a job through Facebook. If you are not utilizing your Facebook network to find a job, you are missing out on opportunities. Below are some ways you can use Facebook to land a job:

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How to Read a Job Ad

For many job seekers, the strategy in their job search is to apply to everything and anything. This method is not only very time-consuming and mentally draining, but also sets you up for a wave of rejection. Instead, Brazen Careerist suggests improving at reading job ads, which will help you sort through jobs quickly and focus on those opportunities that are right for you.

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Facial Feedback

First impressions are important when going on an interview. Body language and facial expressions can really make or break that first impression. A good attitude may warm the initial meeting between you and the interviewer. So, what if you’re having a rough day prior to the all-important interview? Smile!

Psychologists have theorized that smiling can actually help make you feel happy. If you’re feeling down, employers can smell it a mile away. Disguised contempt, weariness or frustration is not always as well hidden as you might think. By smiling, the theory holds that we activate neurotransmitters, which make us feel happy. If you are feeling blue, tired, or really nervous, smile and hold it for about 30 seconds. You’ll go into the interview looking and feeling great!

After Your Interview

After your interview, jot down a few notes; such as the people you met, the firm’s mission, the job content of your discussions and job duties. With the new information you’ve learned about the job, think of your past experiences and any skills that may help you succeed in this new job. Having this on hand will help prepare you for a second interview and for future interviews with other companies.

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