Make Sure Your Employees Dress For Success

Man in suit at base of office lobby staircase

Every business needs clear guidelines, such as an employee dress code, so your employees dress for success in the workplace.

What Does It Mean To Dress For Success?

Employers want workers to dress in a way that encourages productivity and makes a good impression. Consider the following factors:

  • The type of business and industry. Employees in traditional business environments such as finance will dress differently than those in the customer service industry. 
  • Local and regional standards. Some areas, such as large cities or parts of the country, tend to have more formal dress codes. 
  • Are employees public-facing? When employees directly deal with customers or prospects, you want them to make the right impression.
  • Who employees interact with. If your company is global, employees may travel to countries with various traditions. Similarly, representatives from other countries may visit your office. You want the world to see that your employees dress for success in the workplace. 

Why You Need a Dress Code

Some employers hesitate to institute a formal employee dress code policy. You might wonder if it’s better to keep things less formal. Do you need an employee handbook dress code section? The fact is, how employees dress is sufficiently important to justify a formal policy. 

It Helps Employees Make a Good Impression

If your employees deal directly with customers, they must make a good impression. Even if they aren’t public-facing, they still represent your organization as they come to work every day. You want quality employees who help you build your company’s reputation. 

It Helps You Maintain a Consistent Company Culture

Every business has its own company culture. The way others dress is one of the first things people notice about each other. That’s why defining what it means to dress for success in the workplace is so crucial. 

You want a consistent policy that lets everyone know what’s expected. You can communicate this via sending a dress code reminder email to employees. Without a dress code, people will simply dress according to their preferences, which might be disruptive to a cohesive company culture. 

It Reduces Uncertainty

A clear dress code clarifies expectations and is conducive to better teamwork and harmony in the workplace. When policies are clear and laid out, as in an employee handbook dress code policy, there’s less room for doubt. 

How to Create Your Employee Dress Code

Barista serving up coffee pour-overs

You want your employees to dress for success in the workplace. What does this mean, exactly?

Address Safety Concerns

The dress code may be influenced by safety concerns. For example, if employees are working in hazardous conditions, they may need safety gear such as work boots and protective gear. In some cases, these precautions may be legal requirements. 

Decide What Is and Isn’t Allowed

You may prohibit shorts, t-shirts (or muscle tees, or t-shirts with graphic messages or logos), running shoes, or flip flops. In a business environment, ties, shirts with collars, and dress shoes may be required.

Clarify Your Dress Code For Temporary and Remote Workers

Even remote workers should have a dress code if they attempt video meetings where they are seen by others. Similarly, temporary workers should have a clear idea of how to dress.

Modify Your Dress Code as Needed

You may decide to modify requirements based on changing workplace trends. For example, some businesses that traditionally demand formal attire may find it necessary to move their dress code to business casual. 

Other Factors To Consider

When looking at how to ensure employees dress for success in the workplace, address issues beyond clothing in the employee handbook dress code guidelines. Some issues may reflect company culture, others may be relevant to sensitive co-workers. This includes:

  • Aromas. Some people are sensitive to strong odors. Many workplaces have rules about wearing strong perfumes, colognes, and other strong-smelling products. Of course, there can be subjectivity about this. 
  • Piercings. Are these consistent with the image you want for your business? Unlike other expressions of personal style, such as tattoos, body piercings can easily be removed before work. On the other hand, in certain contemporary and youth-oriented environments, piercings might be perfectly consistent with dressing for success in the workplace. 

When sending out dress code reminder emails to employees, be sure to mention the above issues as well as guidelines for attire. 

Casual Days

“Casual Fridays” are a popular practice for many businesses. Setting aside certain days for more casual attire is a way to maintain a dress code while giving employees a chance to express their personal style and get creative with their work wardrobes, while still following the basic dress code rules. 

Don’t Overlook Inclusivity Issues  

Companies must be careful not to violate people’s personal, religious, or civil rights. In some cases, these rights may not sync with strict dress codes. For example, before sending a dress code reminder email to employees, it’s wise to leave open the possibility of exceptions such as the following: 

  • Religious expression. Certain types of clothing may indicate religious beliefs. Examples include a headscarf, yarmulke, and turbans. People may also display certain jewelry as part of their cultural identity. 
  • Gender-specific clothing. Employers cannot compel people to wear clothing that conforms to a particular gender stereotype.
  • People with disabilities. In some cases, a disability or medical condition may make it difficult, uncomfortable, or impossible to meet certain dress code criteria. A person with a scalp condition may prefer to wear a head covering. Someone suffering from an illness that causes foot pain may need to wear specialty footwear rather than dress shoes. Define a dress code accordingly to accommodate differing needs. 
Two women talking at boardroom table

Keep Employees Informed

Consider having a meeting to review expectations and allow questions, particularly with new policy implementation. During the meeting, explain the dress code in detail and make sure your employees fully understand the reason for its implementation. Also, clearly articulate the consequences for failing to adhere to the policy. 

To maintain consistency with the dress code, you should also communicate the dress code for interviews. Be sure to include the dress code within the employee handbook, so that employees have access to the information at all times. 

Types of Dress Codes

While employee dress codes vary from one business to another, they generally fall into one of the following categories.

Formal or Business Attire

This is the familiar business type of attire, such as suits and ties, skirts, and pantsuits. These guidelines are common in formal environments where to dress for success in the workplace means donning traditional business apparel. 

Business Casual

This category is a little trickier, as it’s reconciling two contradictory ideas: essentially formal attire with some leeway (for example, ties and dress shoes may be optional). Business casual is common in creative fields such as entertainment, advertising, and publishing. Other professions where business casual is encouraged include teachers, secretaries, and receptionists


Casual dress codes are common in retail, jobs that are not public-facing, and jobs requiring physical labor. In such places, to dress for success in the workplace often means simply being comfortable. While t-shirts, jeans, and running shoes may be acceptable, there are still guidelines. For example, tees should not exhibit profanity or offensive messages. Casual clothing should not be ripped or revealing.


When a job requires a uniform, much of the dress code is very straightforward. However, employee dress codes still need to clarify certain points, such as the condition of the uniform.

How To Handle Transgressions

At times, employees may not live up to your standards of dressing for success in the workplace.  There can also be gray areas. For example, today’s footwear includes many hybrid items such as shoes that are also sneakers. It’s up to you how to interpret such issues, but it’s important to be consistent in how you enforce rules.

If an employee is not complying with the dress code, a supervisor should discuss it with them as soon as possible. If other employees see that the rules are not strictly enforced, others will likely do the same. 

Ensure Your Employees Dress for Success in the Workplace 

Creating and enforcing a dress code can be tricky, since society has become more complex as standards evolve. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t create an efficient and consistent dress code that supports your needs and helps build better employee relationships. When you send a dress code reminder email to employees, keep in mind that you may need to be flexible regarding employee handbook dress code guidelines.

Temp of the Month September 2022: Clarice Bhattacharya

WAI 2022 September Temp of the Month.Idea-driven, artist, and a communications professional, Clarice Bhattacharya is an urban vagabond, lover of all things chocolate and holds a Masters degree in Strategic Communication from George Washington University.

Clarice has lived in Washington D.C. for three years where she has been exposed to exciting new people, interesting perceptions, and opportunities that have helped shape the person she is today. Clarice loves working with Whitman because of how lovely everyone at Whitman is and the quality of professional assignments that are offered. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, reading and lying on the grass on sunny mornings.

When to Consider Temporary Work?

While a full-time, permanent position is ideal for most professionals in the workforce, temporary positions can be a great option for many people who find themselves looking for additional income and/or experience while pursuing that permanent job. Below, we have listed several situations where a short term job could be beneficial to your search for a permanent position. Although, our list is definitely not comprehensive; temporary work can be a great option for just about anyone.

1. Recent College Graduates

  • Temporary work is a great option for recent graduates who do not have a permanent position lined up upon graduation.
  • Temping can help give college graduates more real world, professional experience to add to their resume, especially if you didn’t have internships or work study experience while in school.
  • Utilizing a temporary staffing agency can help fill in the employment gap on your resume between graduation and starting your first permanent position. Potential employers will be impressed to see that you have been working and gaining experience while pursuing more full-time work.
  • Lastly, temporary work can help get your foot in the door with a company that you would not otherwise have access to. If the company you are temping for is pleased with your work, they could consider you for any full-time openings they might have.

women teamwork

2. Filling in the Gap

  • Like with recent college graduates, temp work can help fill in employment gaps on your resume.  Even if the temporary work you are doing isn’t exactly relevant to your career goals, at least you can show a potential employer that you have not been sitting idle while searching for a new position.
  • Temporary work is also a great source of income when you’re in between jobs. While you probably won’t make as much as you were in your last permanent position, a little money is better than no money.
  • Temp jobs can also help expose you to new industries or environments that you might not have had the opportunity to explore otherwise. You might find a new interest or change your career goals after having a great experience temping within a different industry.

two women at computer

3. After Retirement

  • Temp work is an excellent option for professionals who have decided to end full-time careers, but aren’t quite ready to stop working altogether.
  • Part time work can bring in a little additional income or help fill your newly empty schedule.
  • Temping is also a good option because you can do daily or short term jobs, without making a long-term commitment.
  • Temp work can also be a good way for retired military personnel to transition into a civilian work environment.
  • Temporary staffing agencies value your years of professional experience.

4. Re-Entry Professionals

  • Professionals who are reentering the workforce after taking time off from their careers should definitely consider temp work as a way to get reacquainted with the office environment instead of charging in at full speed.
  • Coming back into the job market after a break in your career, to care for children or aging parents, can make it hard for you to start right back where you left off. Temporary work can help you get your foot in the door with an organization, and prove to them that you are ready to rejoin the workforce.

Staffing agencies like Whitman Associates help job seekers to transition into the workforce. Working temporary positions is definitely a positive step in the right direction and will help to find the right role for anyone out of work.

Temp of the Month August 2022: Lesleyan Jackson

Lesleyan Jackson is a native Washingtonian with a love for education, health and wellness. Lesleyan holds a bachelors degree in Health Policy and Administration from Penn State University and a Masters degree in Public and Community Health from Trinity Washington University. Lesleyan’s passion for health advocacy has afforded her a wealth of professional experience throughout Washington, D.C.

Lesleyan loves working with Whitman because of the wide range of quality professional assignments offered. In her spare time Lesleyan enjoys traveling the United States and abroad, reading and spending time with family and friends.

Temp of the Month July 2022: Doris Collins

Doris retired four years ago after working in senior management positions in private industry. Her positions were through Whitman Associates. She is also an Air Force veteran. During the school year, she works as a substitute teacher and teaches 5th – 6th grade Sunday School. Doris is also completing her Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education.

Doris continues to work for Whitman and especially enjoys working special events assignments. She enjoys crafts and is an avid reader. Additionally, every chance they get, she and her husband spend time in North Carolina and traveling throughout the United States, especially in Florida and Virginia Beach.

Creating Your Ideal Work Environment

Most professionals who work full-time office jobs spend the majority of their week sitting at a desk or in a cubicle. For this reason, it’s important to have an organized work space that encourages good habits and helps you maintain a positive attitude.

This can be even more important with the rise of remote and hybrid work. The ideal work environment can be difficult to achieve if your “home office” is a corner of your dining table. Regardless of where you work, creating a clean, organized work space benefits both your productivity and your mood. Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks for creating your ideal work environment.

woman working home office

1. Stay Organized

A disorganized mess on your desk can lead your thoughts to also be disorganized. Having an organized workspace can help you keep your mind organized.

2. Keep a pen and paper handy

You never know when you might have to jot down a few notes, so make sure you always have a pen and piece of paper readily available.

3. Post some motivation on your wall

Remind yourself why you are working so hard. Posting a picture of your dream vacation location or some other goal that you are working towards.

4. Leave a stack of your business cards out

This won’t apply to everyone, but if you work on-site this is always a good rule of thumb. You never know when the new boss might swing by your desk or when a client might come visit, so always have your business cards the ready.

5. Stay Inspired

There are lots of different ways to stay inspired at work. For some folks, achieving work goals can be inspiring. For others, it could be pictures of a favorite place, an inspirational quote or message that you keep in your work space to help you maintain your positive attitude. If you don’t always work in the same place, be sure to personalize your desktop background so you can stay inspired wherever you’re working that day.

6. Avoid distractions

While a stress ball is okay to have in your desk drawer, try to avoid having too many little toys or other distractions around. Even the smallest of distractions can end up sucking up too much of your time. Another distraction to be wary of is your cell phone, it’s all too easy to check a notification, and end up scrolling. To keep yourself organized within your work space, consider putting notifications on do not disturb so you won’t be tempted during your workday.

7. Surround yourself with familiar faces

Put up a few pictures of your friends, family, or pets. Smiling faces will be guaranteed to boost your mood during a long day in the office.

Organized desk with notepad and plant

8. Include some nature

Keeping flowers or a small plant on your desk can help to connect you with nature while you are cooped up in your office all day. Also there are studies showing that plants can help boost your mood by releasing oxygen and can absorb toxins in the air. What better way to achieve an ideal work environment than to actually feel happier at work!

We hope these tips help you set up your ideal work environment whether you’re in an office cubicle, a coworking space or your home office!

Tips For Job Searching While Employed

Not all job seekers are unemployed. In fact, a large number of people are job searching while employed. These professionals are looking to make a change from their current positions. Job seekers who are looking for a job while employed must effectively balance their current role while searching for their new role. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Someone typing looking for a job while employed

1. Don’t search for jobs while on the clock

This may seem like a no-brainer, but be sure you keep your current job separate from your job hunt. Your current employer is paying you to work for them, not to job hunt. While employed, do all of your applying and looking for a job on your own time.

This doesn’t just apply to browsing job boards, but also be sure not to use your work phone, email or computer when corresponding with potential employers. Only use your personal contact information when applying for jobs or updating your resume. Within most companies, you are not the only person with access to your work email and call records.

If your employer discovers you’ve been searching for a job while employed and on the clock, it’s likely to be labeled as time theft which can result in a write up or even termination. Looking for a job while employed must be done on your own time.

2. Be considerate of your current employer when scheduling interviews

If you get the opportunity to interview with a new company, whether in person or on the phone, try to schedule it so that you don’t need to take a whole day off from work. It’s best practice to limit how much your job hunt interferes with your current role. That way, you can seek the job you want without tarnishing your reputation at your present place of employment.

While still employed, it is ideal to schedule interviews over your lunch break so that you don’t have to take any time off while job searching. If that is not a possibility, you should try to schedule interviews from your job search first thing in the morning or at the end of the day, so that you can either come in a little late or leave a little early, so as not to miss much work while you are looking for a job.

3. Give plenty of notice before quitting

If you do end up accepting a job offer, make sure to give your current employer plenty of notice. Two weeks notice is the generally acceptable amount of time, but every situation is different. Oftentimes you will help to train the person moving into your job. The more time you have to do this, the more seamless the transition will be. Your current employer will value your dedication, and your new employer will see that you are a loyal employee.

Keyboard with button reading Find Job

4. Utilize a staffing agency like Whitman Associates!

Lastly, using a staffing agency like Whitman Associates can take some pressure off your job searching. Job searching while employed full time can feel like another full time job. Work smarter, and have a staffing agency like us help you with your search. With a large client pool, staffing agencies see new jobs all the time. If you’re looking for a job while employed, get started with Whitman Associates by checking out our current job listings and emailing your resume to

How To Become a Recruiter With No Experience

Thinking about becoming a recruiter but not sure if you’ve got what it takes? You may be wondering, how do I become a job recruiter? Recruiting can be a great field to enter. It has tons of transferable skills and lots of upside benefits. Plus, many recruiters are paid bonuses for filling positions. All in all, it’s an excellent field to enter. But many people think it requires a specific educational background or work experience. Not true! Read on to learn three tips on how to become a recruiter with no experience.

1. Make Sure You Have the Personality

Two men shaking hands

Before exploring how to become a recruiter for jobs, let’s make sure it’s the right field for you. One of the biggest factors in determining if you would be a good recruiter is your personality. While you don’t necessarily have to be an extrovert, some key personality traits are must-haves if you want to learn how to qualify for recruiter jobs in Washington, DC (or anywhere). You’ll need:

  • An eye for matchmaking — Do you just have the instinct for seeing when two people will be a good fit? If so, then you already have what it takes. How to get into recruiting with no experience won’t be difficult with these qualities.
  • Recruiters have to be able to assess personalities and skill sets and match them to positions they will be successful in. 
  • Social media chops — When mapping out how to become a recruiter with no experience, it helps to be comfortable on social media. In today’s world, social media networking is one of the biggest ways that recruiters find matches. So being tech-savvy, having a large following, and knowing how to use your contacts to bring in others are a must. 
  • Positivity — If you don’t have a positive attitude, even during the worst of times, it’s hard to convince anyone of anything. Since so much of a recruiter’s job is hyping up people and positions under any circumstance, a positive attitude is non-negotiable.

2. Make Sure You Have the Education

When contemplating how to become a recruiter with no experience, the next question is whether you need the right degree. Education is a tricky one, because there is no degree in recruitment. So what field should you study? Essentially, you need some education. Recruiters frequently have bachelor’s degrees in HR or management, but this is absolutely not necessary. Do you have a degree in an engineering or science field? Recruit for a tech company.

Are you wondering, how do I become a job recruiter in the education field? Look for a position at a university. Even a lawyer is qualified to be a recruiter. They could work for a law firm or governmental agency. If a field exists in which people need to be hired, then that field’s educational background would work well for recruiting. In short, if you want to know how to become a recruiter with no experience, you probably need an education — but the sky’s the limit on what that education looks like. 

3. Make Sure You Have the Skills

Group of colleagues chatting around a table

When researching how to get into recruiting with no experience, here are four important skill sets that every prospective recruiter must have:

  • Sales Skills — Sales is the number one skill you must have when you want to learn how to become a recruiter with no experience. Recruiting is selling a job to a candidate and a candidate to an employer. If you want to prepare yourself for recruiting, go get a sales job … any sales job. Work at a clothing store and practice making people feel good about what they try on. Work at an electronics store and learn how to match people to the products they need. Try selling cars or other big-ticket items. Whatever sales skills you can develop will go a long way to helping you excel at recruiting.
  • Networking Skills — Networking is not only how to become a recruiter with no experience, it is essential to the success of a recruiter. You have to meet people to connect with people, and that means attending many social gatherings, and doing them well. Looking for a fast track answer for how do I become a job recruiter? Hone your networking skills. Go to networking events both online and in person, create and practice your elevator pitch, volunteer for organizations that you’re passionate about and any other activity that will put you in front of people.. Whatever networking you do will make you a better fit for recruiter jobs in Washington, DC. 
  • Project Management Skills — When looking at how to become a recruiter, you can’t overlook the ability to skillfully manage projects. The recruitment process is essentially a big project. A need is found. A job description is created. The job is posted. The candidates are recruited. Interviews occur. A match is made. Each of these moving parts requires a keen eye for detail and project management to keep the process on track and on time. You’re a step ahead in addressing how to become a recruiter with no experience if you have a knack for managing projects and people. 
  • Resume Writing Skills — Finally, building your own perfect resume is a great way to showcase your talents. Part of learning how to get into recruiting with no experience is to highlight the experience you do have in the best possible light. Your resume should highlight your initiative, your ability to prioritize and multitask, and your communication skills. And as a recruiter, you can put those resume writing skills to use helping others with their resumes!

How Do I Become a Job Recruiter? 

The question of how to become a recruiter with no experience may seem challenging at first. However, by following the guidelines we’ve shared, it’s a fairly straightforward path. Whether you’re seeking recruiter jobs in Washington, DC or elsewhere, following these tips will help you to launch a career in recruitment.

If recruiting sounds like the career of your dreams, don’t let a lack of experience stop you from going for it. Be proactive and apply to as many organizations that you can and be persistent. Temp agencies like Whitman Associates in the Washington, D.C. area frequently post recruiting jobs. One trick in learning how to become a recruiter with no experience is to begin with temporary employment. Temp jobs are typically easier to get and are great for resume and experience building. Check the job listings regularly and apply to each relatable posting. With a little front-end effort, you can chart your own course and learn how to become a recruiter faster than you think!

6 Remote Interview Tips To Nail Your Next Video Interview

A woman showing excitement and engagement

You’ve got the interview of your dreams, but they only conduct online interviews. In today’s job market, it makes perfect sense. You could be interviewing for a remote position on the other side of the country, or your interview panel may be in various locations. Whatever the reason, video interviews are a standard part of the interview process, so you need to be prepared with video interview tips for remote interview questions and answers. A video interview is much different from an in-person interview. Here are six remote interview tips to make sure you show your best self online:

1. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

You can never (and we do mean never) be over-prepared for an interview. You need to make sure your equipment is ready. Check your internet connection, lighting, video and sound. Make sure you have a full battery on your phone or laptop. Be punctual when logging into a Zoom meeting. Video interview tips include practicing talking via Zoom or another online meeting platform to make yourself more comfortable with the technology. You want to make an outstanding first impression, and being late due to technological issues may negatively affect your interviewer’s perception of you.

Often overlooked in remote interview tips is having your documents ready to share. Just as you prepare for remote interview questions and answers, you should be ready to email your interviewers a copy of your resume, cover letter, references, and sample of your work. Don’t assume they will all have these things sitting before them. Preparation is one of the best ways to express your passion for the role you’re interviewing for. 

Additionally, think ahead of time about all possible scenarios for the interview, such as a request to share your screen. A smart remote interview tip is to keep other applications and browser windows closed so that if you have to share your screen, you’re not sharing anything personal that you don’t want your potential employer to see. Regarding remote interviews, preparation is the most essential ingredient to success.

A microphone and chair to practice interviewing

2. Be purposeful about what you show your interviewer.

You want to make a good impression. One way is by asking your remote interview questions and answers. Another video interview tip is that your video background and environment should reflect your professional qualities. Make sure it’s neutral and without distraction. Want one of our best job remote interview tips? Don’t use a picture of a tropical island or your dog Fluffy (no matter how cute he is!). Moreover, whatever you do, don’t use a video background. Select a neutral, clean and clutter-free space. 

Don’t have that at home? Consider a study room at your local library. Just ensure the lighting is good and the area is free from distractions (this includes windows with lousy lighting or distracting actions like cars driving by). Ensure your mobile’s notifications are silenced! Nothing is more annoying than the constant beeps signaling your latest TikTok post is blowing up. Use these remote interview tips if you want to impress your interviewer.

3. Wear professional attire.

Sure, things are more casual now than they have been in the past, but the fact is that your prospective employer has to see you as professional and trustworthy. Not only can you express this via your remote interview questions and answers, but these attributes are also directly reflected in your attire. One of the most essential video interview tips is always dress as you would for an in-person interview. While that doesn’t always mean wearing a full suit, it should mean that you’re dressed professionally and appropriately based on the job you are seeking. 

Our job remote interview tips wouldn’t be complete without saying that you shouldn’t assume you will only be seen from the chest up. It can be tempting to dress more casually from the waist down, but always think your outfit will be visible to your potential employer.

4. Engage the interviewer.

Video interviews can be challenging, but this is essential in our remote interview tips. It’s hard to come across as excited and interested during remote interview questions and answers when sitting on your living room sofa. Still, you must engage your interviewer and show real excitement for the position you’re interviewing for. To do this, don’t sit back with your arms crossed. Instead, sit forward on your chair with good posture. One of our best video interview tips is smiling and demonstrating positive body language and behavior. Don’t cross your arms, and don’t be afraid to use your hand to gesture as you speak (just don’t overdo it!).

A businesswoman on her laptop while drinking coffee

5. Make eye contact.

This one is tough but essential in our remote interview tips: Look directly into the camera. When you’re not looking at the camera, you’re not making eye contact. That’s a big no-no in the interview world. Always remember to look directly into the camera when answering a question. This can take some practice, especially if you’re on a computer. You can also try using a cell phone instead of an entire computer. The phone’s small screen size will make it easier to come across as having good eye contact, but be sure that it is in a stable position. Regarding remote interview tips, it’s helpful to consider how in-person interview strategies could carry over while engaging in remote interview questions and answers.

6. Don’t forget that you’re an asset.

Finally, our video interview tips would not be complete with reminding you that you are an asset and that your potential employer would be lucky to have you. While you don’t want to come across as arrogant, you do want to remember that the interview process goes both ways. You should be interviewing your potential employer as much as they are interviewing you. Don’t sell yourself short — this is an underrated but essential remote interview tip. Come up with a list of your assets that make you the perfect fit for the job, and work them into the conversation as naturally as possible. And don’t forget to prepare questions to ask your interviewer as well. Potential employers appreciate someone taking the time to consider the position fully. 

By following these six tips, you can make your video interview a spectacular way to show off the positive qualities you will bring to the job!

Check out our blog for more tips and tricks, from writing the perfect resume to nailing your interview. We hope these remote interview tips help you successfully secure a position!

What Are a Marketing Coordinator’s Job Duties, and How To Become One

Woman giving a presentation on a whiteboard with two people watching

Confused by all of the different marketing positions out there? You’re not alone! There are marketing managers, marketing specialists, marketing assistants, marketing analysts… the list goes on. So let’s take a closer look at one of the many marketing positions: the marketing coordinator. 

What Are the Primary Marketing Coordinator Job Duties?

Typical tasks of a marketing coordinator include entry-level analytics and research related to sales, marketing and development. If you are thinking of changing career paths, it’s important to understand the marketing coordinator’s job responsibilities. In terms of how to become a marketing coordinator, many interviewers will ask questions about your understanding of the role. The specifics of each position vary depending on the specific needs of the employer, but the necessary skills of a marketing coordinator typically include:

  • Conducting market research
  • Analyzing sales data
  • Creating marketing materials
  • Assisting with website SEO
  • Creating marketing timelines
  • Organizing marketing projects
  • Managing digital and social media campaigns
  • Investigating market trends
  • Representing a business at trade shows
  • Collaborating with social media influencers to promote products and services

What Are the Different Types of Marketing Coordinators?

If you want to know how to become a marketing coordinator, it’s useful to understand which type of coordinator you’d like to be. The essential skills of a marketing coordinator will vary depending on the type of work that may be needed by a company. Below are three common marketing coordinator positions:

Digital Marketing Coordinator

Infographic of marketing terms

In addition to the usual marketing coordinator job duties, a digital marketing coordinator’s job description may include managing digital campaigns designed to drive web traffic to a business, handling social media accounts, or managing the content of blogs and websites for a business. Depending on the size of the organization, these tasks may be handled by one marketing coordinator, or by multiple specialized marketing coordinators. Businesses that have a strong online presence, especially with web stores, would be likely to hire this type of marketing coordinator. Candidates with strong computer, social media and internet savvy, as well as strong writers, can learn to become excellent digital marketing coordinators. 

Marketing and Promotions Coordinator

Marketing coordinator job duties can include attending trade shows and events, building relationships with industry partners, and seeking out corporate sponsorships for an organization. When you are a marketing and promotions coordinator, your responsibilities are likely to involve more active and high-profile tactics for building brands and selling products. Having an outgoing personality is a must for this role, as you will be dealing directly with the public and potential customers on a regular basis. This is a good role for those wanting to learn how to become a marketing coordinator for a larger company. Typically, larger companies or nonprofit organizations are more likely to need this type of marketing coordinator based on the job responsibilities. 

Product and Account Marketing Coordinator

The responsibilities of a product and account marketing coordinator may also fall within the duties of a marketing coordinator. This means collaborating with a sales force on building and maintaining a strong client base. They may develop sales programs and informational materials for sales teams, and they often work with other types of marketing coordinators to develop sales plans for specific products. In addition to the typical marketing coordinator job duties, these roles require exceptional people skills, so more outgoing social types are frequently drawn to them and will have success learning how to become a marketing coordinator. Businesses with large sales teams often benefit from having product and account marketing coordinators. 

What Are the Career Prospects for a Marketing Coordinator?

A marketing coordinator’s salary varies based on a candidate’s background. While the marketing coordinator role is often an entry-level position, employers typically require at least an associate’s degree, and often a bachelor’s degree. Some employers may accept industry experience in lieu of a college degree. Marketing coordinator job duties most often include reporting to marketing managers, and with the right experience, these positions can frequently lead to promotions to marketing managers. 

Acquiring the skills of a marketing coordinator can be the first step towards a larger career in marketing. Driven marketing coordinators who are willing to commit to a company can aspire to reach director level and even executive roles with the right education and experience. Additionally, the skills learned in the position easily transition to other companies as well, so career mobility is excellent. 

How To Become a Marketing Coordinator

There are a few ways you can prepare yourself for a marketing coordinator job. 


If you want to pursue a career in marketing, it’s best to prepare by choosing a course of study in that field. The best route to a successful career as a marketing coordinator is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in marketing. Programs that offer concentrations in social media marketing, business analytics or consumer behavior may have particular value to a marketing coordinator’s career. Some larger businesses may require a master’s degree in marketing, while smaller organizations may be willing to accept an associate’s degree and work experience in lieu of a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Develop the Skills of a Marketing Coordinator

Whether or not you have the ideal educational background, you should do everything possible to accumulate the skills you need for this position. To really learn the various marketing coordinator job duties, job seekers should also try interning or working part-time in marketing, advertising or graphic design while obtaining their degree. The sooner you learn how to become a marketing coordinator, the more opportunities you will have to gain experience.

Job seekers often focus on full-time positions. However, applying for temporary jobs can help you get your foot in the door at a company. A temp position in marketing is a great option for students that will provide them with valuable experience and connections in the marketing world. Look for internships or temp jobs that will help you develop a wide skill set or train you in an area that you may be lacking such as graphic design, web development or social media marketing — all of which are relevant to marketing coordinator job responsibilities. These positions can often be obtained through staffing agencies such as Whitman Associates, Inc., in the D.C. metropolitan area

Leverage Your Social Media Profiles

Maintaining a professional and active social profile is beneficial to show that you have the right background to perform marketing coordinator job duties. It will demonstrate your social media prowess as you start to look for jobs. Just make sure that your social accounts are positive and present a professional image. LinkedIn, for example, gives you plenty of space to highlight your skills and experience. Be sure to list any skills of a marketing coordinator that you have. In the current job market, many employers will view your resume online, which provides you with an opportunity to link your social profiles to your resume. 

Keep Your Resume Updated

Finally, make sure your resume is up-to-date, clean, error-free and highlights the in-demand skill sets you possess. Your resume should tell the story of you and be interesting without using nondescript buzzwords. If you’re looking to become a marketing coordinator, tailoring your resume to fit a specific position is a quick way to stand out among applicants. Make sure you highlight areas where the job description and your expertise overlap. 

Take the Necessary Steps To Become a Marketing Coordinator

We’ve explored several options for those wondering how to become a marketing coordinator. This is a great career path for anyone who wants to work in the dynamic field of marketing and possibly advance to even better positions later on. The varied marketing coordinator job duties result in interesting jobs and exciting career paths. By following these guidelines, you can get in on the ground floor and begin a marketing career that will excite and challenge you for years to come!